Illustration courtesy of city of Mountain Brook
The city of Mountain Brook will begin leaf pickup on Dec. 2
The city of Mountain Brook began leaf pickup on Dec. 2 and will collect them through the month.
Residents fall within one of five zones, with different pickup dates scheduled for each zone. Zone 1 will have their leaves collected Dec. 2-4, Zone 2 will be Dec. 5-9 and Zone 3 is from Dec. 10-12. Zone 4 leaves will be collected on Dec. 13-17 and Zone 5 is from Dec. 18-23.
The city asks that residents have their leaves at the curb prior to the beginning of their zone's scheduled times. Only place leaves at the curb for collection, and do not include items such as branches, rocks or bags within the leaf piles. Also, do not have leaf piles staged in close proximity to the storm drains. If leaves are not out prior to the date of your scheduled collections, then your service will take place during the next scheduled round for your area.
To determine your zone, click here and enter your address.
Leaves brought out after the beginning of the final round must be bagged for collection. If you choose to bag your leaves, then your bagged leaves will be serviced on your regularly scheduled trash collection day.