Photo by Olivia Burton.
0714 Mountain Brook sidewalks
The new pedestrian bridge on Old Leeds Road was built as part of the recently completed Phase 6 of the sidewalk master plan.
Plans call for portions of Montevallo Road, Country Club Road, Overton Road and Cahaba Road to be repaved by year’s end. The city council approved a list of roads to pave for 2015 at its March 9 meeting.
The full list of road segments to be paved is subject to the specifics of funding arrangements. Portions of these major roads were repaved in the past couple of years, Public Works Director Ronnie Vaughn said, and this should complete many of those. The projects will likely begin after the school year ends.
The roads currently on the list are:
- Montevallo Road from Mountain Brook Village to Church Street
- Country Club Road from English Village to Memory Triangle
- Montrose Road and Old Leeds Road from Montevallo Road to Forest Glen Drive
- Overton Road from Knollwood Drie to the city limits near Publix
- Mountain Park Drive (all)
- Overbrook Road from Montevallo Road to Mountain Brook Parkway
- Cahaba Road from the Protective Life building to Mountain Brook Village
- Antietam Drive (all)
- The asphalt portion of the alley off Park Lane next to Little Hardware in English Village
Also at the meeting, the council:
- Approved the removal of some of the green modular newspaper racks in the villages. Because The Birmingham News is no longer using them, the city will two racks from Crestline Village in front of Tracy’s, three from Mountain Brook Village in front of Realty South and Sneaky Pete’s, and one from English Village. One rack will be left in each village for real estate flyers and other publications.
- Approved an access easement agreement through the former CVS property in Crestline for the new Piggly Wiggly. It will allow for access but not parking, and the Piggly Wiggly owners will repave the parking lot and maintain it.
- Discussed a contract with Walter Schoel Engineering, Inc. to review and advise the city regarding Park View Townhomes Subdivision. The development calls for six detached town homes on a steep hill in Mountain Brook Village behind the new Lane Parke apartments. The development will go before the Planning Commission on April 6. Council members expressed concerns about the potential development.
- Authorized the establishment of a custodial investment account and the transfer of the retiree medical (Section 115) trust investments from the existing corporate trust to the newly established custodial investment account.
- Recognized John Hodges as the Police Department Employee of the Year. The other city employees of the year were recognized Feb. 23, but Hodges was unable to be there due to weather conditions.
- Approved the installation of two fire hydrants to serve the Lane Parke development.
- Awarded a bid to purchase 15 unites of tactical body armor for the police department from Gulf States Distributors.
- Announced an appointment of Jamie Gregory by the mayor to the Mountain Brook Planning Commission.
The next regular meeting of the City Council will be Monday, March 23 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 56 Church Street.