Illustration by Sarah Owens
Mountain Brook City Council on Monday passed a resolution to execute an intergovernmental cooperative agreement with Homewood for Brookwood Village development.
The agreement would require the cities to consider what is best for both communities in their decisions regarding redevelopment plans. Homewood's counsel will consider the resolution in their next meeting on Dec. 16.
Read the agreement document in the formal agenda packet, starting at page 37, here.
In other news from the meeting, the counsel approved the following:
- Resolution ratifying and approving the internal transfer of funds for the year October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.
Resolution approving the beautification improvements at the Country Club/Salisbury/Ridge traffic island.
Resolution approving the beautification improvements at the Oxford and Salisbury traffic island.
Resolution approving the beautification improvements at the Sterling and Fairway traffic island.
Resolution authorizing the memorandum of agreement between the Mountain Brook Fire Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Resolution accepting the proposal with Schoel Engineering with respect to the Alabama Veterans Memorial survey.
Resolution accepting the design contract proposal for the final segment of Brookwood Road sidewalk.
The next counsel meeting will be Jan. 13, 2025 at 7 p.m. in city Hall.