By Keith McCoy
City City Hall 1
The Mountain Brook City Council — at its regular meeting for Monday, July 12 — took another step forward in planning for the construction of a new, modern Fire Station No. 2.
At its pre-meeting, the council named the seven members of a planning sub-committee for the building of the badly needed facility.
The sub-committee includes Mayor Stewart Welch, City Council President Virginia Smith, City Council member Gerald Garner, Fire Chef Chris Mullins, Finance Director Steve Boone, Planning Commission Chairman and Architect Rob Walker and City Manager Sam Gaston.
The first requirement for the sub-committee is interviewing potential architects and project managers. Once someone is hired, then the council members on the committee can help discuss what will be built into the new fire station.
The biggest challenge for the firefighters during demolition and construction will be finding a place to stay.
The current fire station building is almost 50 years old, and Mullins said they have outgrown the space. It was built in the 1960s and renovated several times, but there is no room to add onto it anymore.
Some possible additions to the future building are a police substation, a community room and a drive through bay.
A sauna could also be a part of the new Fire Station #2, according to Mullins.
Mullins went to a station design conference two years ago where he learned a sauna can drive out carcinogens in a firefighter's skin. They sit in the sauna for a while, and then take a cold shower to close their pores afterwards.
“We’re really conscientious about the health and safety of our firefighters, so if there is something out there that’s good for their health, we’ll try to do it,” Mullins said. “As long as it’s not cost-prohibitive.”
At the main meeting, the Council approved a resolution concerning an amendment to the loan agreement between the City and the Mountain Brook Sports Park Foundation. The resolution confirms construction of a 12’ wide by 600’ long sidewalk and drainage improvement, and paving and parking improvements to the lower parking lot at Rathmell Sports Park.
The Council also passed two resolutions between the City Council and Schoel Engineering.
The first resolution allows execution of a drainage study to evaluate areas known for flooding in the past. It covers assessment of the drainage that runs between Surrey Road and Montevallo Road, towards Overhill Road and down Canterbury Road as well.
Concerns from the council were raised over this drainage study because several years ago the same area was studied and a comprehensive plan was put in place, but two or three property owners would not allow it to go forward so it was never implemented.
William Thomas of Schoel Engineering said what they will try to do first is find the problems and bottleneck restrictions, then later approach the city with the possible solutions and ask if there are any problems in the way going forward. The preliminary analysis should be completed in about 6 weeks.
The second approved resolution between the City Council and Schoel Engineering allows execution of drainage improvements near the pond at Mountain Brook Junior High. The pipe coming out of the pond there is undersized for the amount of drainage coming through it, and the proposal is meant to add capacity to the pipe. It could also mean making the pond bigger so no one downstream is adversely impacted by the changes.
“That’s what we’re thinking. We’re gonna route a pipe either from the pond or the road upstream to capture the water that’s coming into the pond and just direct it down the alley on the backside of the junior high,” Thomas said.
Other Business
The council also approved the following items:
- A resolution declaring certain library property surplus and allowing its sale at a public internet auction. Surplus items include a cotton candy machine, desk chairs and a refrigerator.
- A resolution to re-create the Municipal Clerk III position, to be filled by City Manager Sam Gaston
- A resolution permitting the execution of a public transportation agreement between the City and the Birmingham-Jefferson Transit Authority in 2022.
- A resolution confirming the allocation of a $20,000 grant to the City for the construction of a new gymnasium, public parking and pickleball courts at Crestline Elementary School.
- Alex Herchart’s application for a conditional use of 2102 Cahaba Road, Suite D, in English Suites for her interior design business, Home With Hechart.
The next City Council meeting will be held on July 26 at 7:00 p.m.