The Mountain Brook City Council on Monday, July 25 approved the election of both councilmember Virginia Carruthers Smith and Stewart Welch III.
The Mountain Brook City Council on Monday night approved the election of both councilmember Virginia Carruthers Smith and Stewart Welch III. Welch and Smith were the only individuals who qualified for their individual seats open for election, in this case, Place 4 and the office of the mayor. The qualifying period for candidates ended July 19.
Smith will begin her fourth term on the council on the first Monday of November 2016. Welch will begin his first term as mayor on the same day.
In its pre-meeting, the council once again decided to delay a vote on a Smoke Free Ordinance that would restrict smoking throughout the city. The council asked its city attorney to review the ordinance, particularly its stance on smoking in public outdoor places, and present revisions at the next council meeting.
On Monday night the council did pass a Cell Phone Free Zones ordinance subject to minor revisions. The ordinance will prohibit the use of cellphones while operating a motor vehicle in school zones between 7:30 a.m. and 8 a.m., and then again between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Cellphone use will only be prohibited while cars, in and around carpool lines, are in motion. Violators will be subject to a $25 fine.
The council also approved amendments to Memory Triangle and its street light banner policy.
Those changes include:
- Strengthening the language regarding the prohibition of commercial signs and logos.
- Reservations will be limited to 120 days from the application date, rather than a year.
- Requires all banner designs to be submitted to the city for approval four weeks prior to installation.
- Public works will hang Memory Triangle signs and lamp post banners to both ensure the design matches what is approved and that the sign is hung properly.
- The fee for Memory Triangle signs will be raised from $10/week to $20/week to offset the city's installation costs.
- Limit the materials of lamp post banners to reduce damage to city property.
- Include a new fee of $5 per lamp post banner to offset the city's installation costs.
Tonight, the council also:
- Approved the sale liquor at Local Taco, 920 Lane Park Court in Mountain Brook Village.
- Approved the sale of beer and wine for off-premise use at Dinner., 73 Church Street in Crestline Village.
- Authorized the extension of the Internet Protocol enabled Video Services franchise agreement between the city and AT&T Alabama under the same terms and conditions until July 31, 2018.
- Authorized the agreement between the city and EMS Management & Consulting, Inc. for their provision of ambulance billing services and related business associates agreement.
- Authorized a contract between the city and Brasfield & Gorrie for the selective demolition services at the Emmet O'Neal Library to help determine existing water penetration conditions identified by Williamson & Associates.
- Declared certain property surplus and authorizing its sale or disposition.
- Appointed poll works for the Aug. 23 general municipal election and Oct. 4 run-off, if necessary, as well as authorized their compensation.
- Approved a petition for vacation of a portion of South Cove Drive filed by St. Luke's Episcopal Church.
The next regular meeting of the Mountain Brook City Council will be held Aug. 8 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall located at 56 Church Street.