Illustration by Sarah Owens
Mountain Brook City Council made the switch to YouTube streaming for their first meeting of the year.
Moving forward, meetings will be live-streamed from the city's YouTube channel, @cityofmountainbrook. To watch future meetings live, search the handle, select the city's logo and then "live".
During the meeting, the council accepted a proposal by Nimrod Long with respect to sidewalk designs for Halbrook Lane and Arundel Drive. Other agenda items approved during the meeting include:
- Approval of the minutes of the December 9, 2024, regular meeting of the City Council.
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the contractor agreement with Stone and Sons with respect to the Highway 280 traffic signal generator replacement.
- Consideration: Resolution recommending to the ABC Board the issuance of a 020-Restaurant Retail Liquor license to Ladybird Taco Bhm LLC (trade name: Ladybird Taco).
- Consideration: Resolution executing the contractor agreement with B Group with respect to the Public Works Crew Facility.
- Consideration: Resolution ratifying 4 change orders with respect to the Fire Station No. 2 project.
- Consideration: Resolution ratifying the AGZA Beta Project 2025.
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the sale or disposal of certain surplus property.
- Consideration: Resolution ratifying the purchase of a Rosenbauer Pumper Fire Truck.
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the right-of-way encroachment agreement with respect to the sewer project on Park Lane.
- Consideration: Resolution executing a contractor agreement with respect to the Mountain Brook Elementary Field Fence.
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for [tax and license] examination services with RiverTree Systems.
- Conditional Use application for Katie Kirby Interiors at 2832 Culver Road in Mountain Brook Village.
- Resolution declaring a moratorium on CBD and Vape Shops.
The next regular meeting of the council is Jan. 27 at 7:00 p.m.
To view the full meeting video, click here.