Map by Emily Vandermey.
Dexter Vine Stop Sign Changes
This map shows the current and future locations of stop signs at Dexter Avenue and Vine Street.
The stop signs will be moved at Vine Street and Dexter Avenue in Crestline Village on Friday, June 12. Mountain Brook Police Department plans to place message boards along Dexter Avenue to alert motorists to these stop sign relocations.
The council approved ordinances for the changes at its meeting on Monday, June 8.
The current two signs on Vine Street at its intersection with Dexter Avenue will be removed, and they will be replaced on adjacent street corners. Skipper Consultants recommended these changes to better allow for increased traffic that will be on the street once the new Piggly Wiggly has opened on Vine Street. The ordinance also provided for punishment for violations of these stop signs.
The city had sent out around 60 letters to area residents about Vine-Dexter change, and City Manager Sam Gaston said he has only received one letter in response.