Photo courtesy of Dawn Hirn.
The Ryan Shines Burn Foundation has donated1,100 disposable KN95 and N95 masks to five different Alabama fire departments.
Ron and Dawn Hirn of Mountain Brook lost their 7-year-old son, Ryan, in a 2001 car accident. The wreck also left burns on their bodies and on their son Tyler, one of Ryan’s three brothers.
To honor their son and help others, the couple later started a 501(c)3 nonprofit, the Ryan Shines Burn Foundation, and have hosted numerous camps and special events to encourage the emotional and psychological healing of burn victims, family members and firefighters.
In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hirns found another way to help firefighters and other first responders — donating face masks.
“Ron and I believe that if there is a need and we have the resources, then we respond,” Dawn Hirn said.
The need became apparent after the couple heard from their “firefighter friends” that some were working without personal protective equipment, she said.
On April 28, the Birmingham City Council passed a resolution authorizing the mayor to accept a gift of 500 disposable masks from the Ryan Shines Burn Foundation to be placed in the city’s medical supply inventory and used as needed at police and fire stations. In fact, Ryan Shines has donated 1,100 disposable KN95 and N95 masks to five different Alabama fire departments and isn’t done yet.
“I called my fire chiefs all over Alabama and told them our plan to provide masks,” Dawn Hirn said. “Firefighters are our partners in everything we do at Ryan Shines,” she said.
The foundation has been able to purchase the masks it needs, despite the fact that such items have been difficult to obtain.
“My sisters and I have been in the manufacturing and wholesale business for 30 years and are well-connected to suppliers around the world,” Dawn Hirn said. “As you know, there have been shortages on a number of essential items. With a little work, we've been able to uncover some reliable suppliers.”
Ron and Dawn Hirn were glad to find a way to give back to the community during this difficult time.
“Everyone of us who lives in Mountain Brook is blessed beyond measure,” Dawn Hirn said. “All Ron and I are doing is responding to a need by supporting others with what we have. You can call it ‘pay it forward,’ and no pandemic can stop that. We are blessed in order to bless others.”
The Hirns also continue to have a special connection to firefighters.
“In a world of Marvel comic book heroes, watching our firefighters respond with great skill and care across their community makes them the real heroes,” Dawn Hirn said. “Day in and day out, firefighters deliver. They are ordinary men and women doing extraordinary things. They are heroes to my boys.”
Dawn Hirn said it meant a lot when she received thanks for the foundation’s recent efforts.
“It melted my heart when a couple of the chiefs, as busy as they were, called me back personally to thank me for the masks,” she said. “One of them mentioned that the station did a ‘happy dance’ upon seeing the masks.”
To donate or get more information, call 956-821-9633 or email dawn@ryanshines.com.