Photo courtesy of Andrew Krebbs.
Botanical Gardens Flicks Among the Flowers Movie
The Birmingham Botanical Gardens will be hosting Flicks among the Flowers from May to July.
Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray will be on the big screen in the garden on Wednesday. That night Birmingham Botanical Gardens' Flicks in the Flowers series will feature the film Ghostbusters.
In the plot, a group of recently unemployed scientists decide to become ghost busters to earn a little extra money. But when they open New York City to another dimension full of evil, they must find a way to save the city.
The free event will feature a cash bar with movie-themed cocktails. Guests are encouraged to bring blankets or outdoor chairs to sit on. Pets are not allowed. Gates will open at 6 p.m., and the movie will begin at 8 p.m.
“We wanted to attract younger people to the gardens and to look at the gardens in a new way,” said Andrew Krebbs, director of marketing and membership for the Gardens. “We’re more than just some plants; we’re an experience.”
Last year was the inaugural year for Flicks Among the Flowers. It attracted 300 people, but the Gardens assures that there is plenty of room for more this year.
Flicks replaced the Gardens’ annual Cocktails on the Gardens events.
The final film in the series will be Top Gun on July 15.