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Photo courtesy of Mountain Brook Schools
Grace Thomas, a 5th grader at Mountain Brook Elementary, won The Mountain Brook Schools district Spelling Bee (for the 2nd year in a row) on Jan. 9 and will now advance to the Jefferson County Spelling Bee.
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Photo courtesy of Mountain Brook Schools
Left to right: Jonathan Humphreys, Davis Moore, Seth Wahl, Grace Thomas and Anna Killion competed on the Mountain Brook Schools district spelling bee on Jan. 9.
Grace Thomas, a 5th grader at Mountain Brook Elementary, won Mountain Brook Schools' district Spelling Bee (for the 2nd year in a row) on Jan. 9 and will advance to the Jefferson County Spelling Bee.
This year’s bee went 16 rounds and Thomas spelled “astonish” as the winning word.
The bee featured the winning spellers from all four Mountain Brook elementary schools as well as the junior high. Along with Thomas, the following students participated in the 2025 district Spelling Bee:
- Jonathan Humphreys - Brookwood Forest Elementary (5th grader)
- Seth Wahl - Cherokee Bend Elementary (6th grader)
- Anna Killion - Crestline Elementary (5th grader)
- Davis Moore - Mountain Brook Junior High (8th grader)