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Photo courtesy Mountain Brook Schools.
Nelson Crawford
Nelson Crawford, who was a sophomore at Mountain Brook High School in the 2019-2020 school year, was recently named the winner of the Rhodes College Book Award.
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Photo courtesy Mountain Brook Schools.
Ellen Anderson
Ellen Anderson, who was a sophomore at Mountain Brook High School in the 2019-2020 school year, was recently named the winner of the Washington and Lee University Award.
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Photo courtesy Mountain Brook Schools
Cory Fan
Cory Fan, a sophomore at Mountain Brook High School in the 2019-2020 school year, recently won the Kevin Butrus Memorial Award for Outstanding Sophomore Boy.
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Photo courtesy Mountain Brook Schools
Eleanor Elkus
Eleanor Elkus, a Mountain Brook High School sophomore during the 2019-2020 academic year, recently won the Katie Sanfelippo Memorial Award for Outstanding Sophomore Girl.
Mountain Brook High School announced its sophomore award recipients for the 2019-2020 academic year recently during a virtual presentation hosted by Principal Philip Holley, according to a news release from Mountain Brook Schools
“Though our program looks differently this year, we remain as proud and as honored as ever to have such amazing students at Mountain Brook High School,” Holley said.
The Rhodes College Book Award recognizes a student who excels in community service and possesses a strong academic record. Winner: Nelson Crawford.
The Washington and Lee University Award for Achievement honors an outstanding student who demonstrates academic and athletic skills and contributes to the school community. Winner: Ellen Anderson.
The Kevin Butrus Memorial Award for Outstanding Sophomore Boy recognizes a student who excels in demanding classes while exhibiting leadership and character. Winner: Cory Fan.
The Katie Sanfelippo Memorial Award for Outstanding Sophomore Girl honors a student known for her humility, strong work ethic, and outstanding academic achievement. Winner: Eleanor Elkus.
The virtual awards ceremony was held May 11. MBHS announced the award recipients from the junior class in a virtual presentation on May 12. The award recipients from the school’s senior class were announced May 14-15.