Mountain Brook Village Roundabout Drawing
Sain and Associates suggested these roundabout designs for Mountain Brook Village based on a study in 2013.
Funding is in the works to bring a new roundabout to Mountain Brook Village.
At the Sept. 14 council meeting, the city discussed a cost-sharing agreement with Birmingham to use federal transportation funds to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Lane Parke Road, Cahaba Road and Culver Road to improve traffic flow. The agreement stated that the intersection is of importance because it connects visitors to the Birmingham Zoo, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Mountain Brook Village and other areas.
ALDOT would administer the project, with 80 percent of it financed federally, and Mountain Brook and Birmingham will share the remaining 20 percent equally.
In total, the project is estimated to cost $3.49 million, with Mountain Brook and Birmingham paying $349,100 each.
The city also approved a right of way acquisition agreement with ALDOT for the project for an estimated $360,000 total, $72,000 of which is city funds.
The city of Birmingham has received the same agreement; it has not yet signed it but plans to. Council Member Jack Carl pointed out suggested language changes for the agreement before the council moves forward with it. He also asked that language be added to make sure all expenses are shared between Mountain Brook and Birmingham.
Mountain Brook requested federal funds for the roundabout project in February. A study from April 2013 by Sain and Associates found that the adding a large roundabout at Cahaba Road, 280 and Lane Parke Road and a mini roundabout on Cahaba Road would create the highest traffic efficiency and pedestrian and bike safety at the intersections in the village.
Also at the meeting the council:
- Set the date for presentations by appropriated agencies for FY 2016 for Oct. 7 from 8-10 a.m.
- Discussed a proposed deferred compensation provider chance for the Section 457 Plan. It will be discussed further on Sept. 28.
- Reappointed Henry Lapidus to the Board of Zoning Adjustment to serve without compensation until Sept. 25, 2018.
- Approved a conditional use application of Dr. Craig Martin to operate satellite veterinary clinic for Liberty Animal Clinic in Mountain Brook Village in the modular offices located at 2129 Cahaba Road, formerly the State Farm office of Chad Anderson. It would be a day use facility for veterinary services and grooming. City Planner Dana Hazen said its hours will be complementary to other businesses’ peak hours on the street.
- Declared the week of Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week.
- Approved a conditional [service] use application for Melanie Pounds Interior Designs at 2822 Petticoat Lane, part of the former Linda Dobbins Dance space on the corner.
- Authorized a customer agreement between with Gorrie-Regan and Associates, Inc. for the city’s use of a web-based Attendance on Demand time and attendance system and the purchase of two hand-punch time clocks and related maintenance agreements.
- Approved a professional services agreement with Skipper Consulting, Inc. for a traffic study at the intersection of Old Leeds Road at Crosshill Road to examine intersection turning movement traffic count during the morning peak hour and to determine the impacts of implementing a protected left turn arrow at the intersection. Resident Lisa Burton addressed the council about the line of sight issue on the way to Mountain Brook High School from Cherokee Bend.
- Held a public hearing regarding the city's fiscal 2016 budget. Finance Director Steve Boone said the budget includes a 1.5 percent pay raise, paying off general obligation warrants scheduled for Oct. 1 and capital projects to replace existing equipment.
- Approved increasing the salary schedule for all classified and unclassified employees and increasing the compensation for contract security services for the city's Public Works facilities (Resolution No. 2013-146) by 1-112 percent effective Oct. 6.
- Approved increasing the salary (1-112 percent) of the city manager effective Oct. 6 amending the related employment agreement.
The next regular meeting of the City Council is Sept. 28 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 56 Church Street.