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Sawtooth Cookhouse plan
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Photo by Madison Miller.
CVS space
The new restaurant is planned for a portion of the former CVS space.
The Mountain Brook City Council approved a request for a conditional use application for a new restaurant to be opened in a portion of the former CVS location in Crestline Village. The restaurant will neighbor Smith's Variety.
The request comes from John Cassimus, who also helped to grow Zoe's Kitchen and started Jinsei Sushi and Maki Fresh. Cassimus said that the name will either be Sawtooth Cookhouse or Mrs. Dot's.
The restaurant will feature a similar concept as Zoe's with fast-casual dining with freshly prepared food. It will serve lunch and dinner between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. seven days per week. Six full-time employees will be on staff.
Cassimus said he hopes that the restaurant will be a popular location for both lunch and dinner. The menu will feature items with a southern flair such as fried chicken.
Cassimus wanted to request the city's approval for the restaurants before moving forward. Along with his involvement in local restaurants, he is also the founder of Sawtooth Plantation, a hunting resort in Southwest Alabama.
The restaurant is scheduled to be open by July or August.
For more information on the restaurant, visit johncassimus.com.
The council also:
- Heard plans for the grand opening of the Cahaba River Walk on April 10.
- Heard updates for the Birmingham Mineral Railroad Sign project from coordinator James Lowery.
- Approved a resolution for the purchases by the City of Mountain Brook from Quality Recording Studios, LLC.
- Approved a resolution authorizing the purchase of the ProQA software upgrade from Priority Dispatch for the City's E911 system in the amount of $2,390.
- Approved a resolution authorizing the execution of the access easement agreement between the City, Ajlouny Investments, LLC and Donna Gray with respect to the Piggly Wiggly development.
- Approved a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a professional services proposal between the city and Bhate Environmental for geotechnical consulting services with respect to the proposed Park View Townhome subdivision in adjacent to Mountain Brook Village.
- Resolution recommending the ABC Board the issuance of a license to the Preschool Partners Foundation for its Foodtruck Roundup fundraiser on May 2 at Brookwood Village.
- Heard a public hearing to the consideration of an ordinance amending the master development plan for The Park at Overton and approved the ordinance.
The next meeting is April 13 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall located at 56 Church Street. Visit welcometomountainbrook.com.