Photo by Madoline Markham.
Canterbury United Methodist Church
The proposed drainage study includes the Canterbury United Methodist Church’s campus.
The city is looking into studying drainage issues on Overbrook Road.
Walter Schoel of Schoel Engineering has proposed a drainage study of the area under Pine Crest Road through Canterbury United Methodist Church’s property. He presented the plan to the city council at its July 27 meeting.
The drainage basin area is about 400 acres in total and includes Mountain Brook Junior High School’s campus. The study would quantify the drainage issues especially those at the residence at 326 Overbrook Road.
Schoel said he has studied the area and the Overbrook home in the past, and that he is looking back at it after Public Works Director Ronnie Vaughn had called him to say the city was concerned. Schoel would
calculate flow rates and other figures so they would know how often and to what depth the house would flood. The study would not necessarily provide solutions to the drainage issue but would cost $11,800.
City Manager Sam Gaston said that during heavy rains the homeowner at 326 Overbrook gets heavy water in her house, and in the past couple of weeks vehicles in a lower lot at Canterbury were swamped in a rain storm.
“It floods because it’s a creek with a big drainage area and the house was built too low,” Schoel said.
Council member Billy Pritchard said he wanted to know more about the purpose of the study and what would be done after it was complete.
“It’s not likely to lead to a solution,” Schoel said. “A mitigation study is different…The best solution is to get that house out of where it is.”
Pritchard said he didn’t see any reason to go forward with the study because he didn’t see what they are going to do with it afterward.
Schoel suggested he walk the creek with a representative from the city for an hourly fee to see if he sees something that could change the nature of the study and if there could be a solution he is not currently aware of. The council agreed that this is the best next step for the issue.
At the meeting the council also:
- Heard a presentation on the audit report for the City of Mountain Brook Emergency Communications District for the years ending Sept. 30, 2013 and 2014 from Whitney Atchison of the Alabama Department of Examiners of Public Accounts.
- Discussed a first amendment to the lease with American Tower Corporation for the cell tower located at the high school athletic complex.
- Presented a resolution to Carey Hollinsworth to thank him for his service on the Parks and Recreation Board from 2004 to 2015.
- Appointed Jorja White to The Jefferson County Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Authority. White replaces Russ McElroy.
- Appointed Helen Drennen to the Parks and Recreation Board. Tom Warburton and Leigh Ann Speake also applied for the position and were recommended by the Park Board.
- Authorized the city clerk to issue notice to Judicial Correction Services, Inc. of the city's intent to cancel its contract.
- Declared equipment and furniture surplus and authorized its sale through public Internet auction. These items included printers, computers and conference chairs.
- Recommended ABC Board give a liquor license to the Grand Bohemian Hotel that is under construction in Mountain Brook Village.
- Authorized an encroachment agreement between the city and W. Banks Petrey and Bragan D. Petrey of 12 Norman Drive. The Petreys plan to renovate the Colonial Hills property
- Discussed placing two stop signs on Brookwood Road at its intersection with Crosshill Road and providing for punishment for violations of the signs.
The next regular meeting of the City Council will be Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 56 Church Street.