Photo courtesy of PreSchool Partners.
Crestline Rocks
Residents watch local bands play on stage at last year’s Crestline Rocks event.
Come Sept. 26, Crestline Village will rock again, and you can help determine who will be on stage.
From Sept. 1-8, you can visit preschool-partners.org and vote for your favorite band by making a donation to PreSchool Partners. Each dollar counts as one vote, and the top two winners earn a spot on stage. The lineup will be announced on Sept. 10.
PreSchool Partners is bringing back its local music festival, Crestline Rocks, in a slightly amended form. Bands will play on stage on the grassy lawn in front of the Emmet O’Neal Library from 5-10 p.m., and part of the lineup for the event will be determined by a Vote by Donation system. Hugh Rowe Thomas as well as Will and Sarah Mason will perform, with Sarah Simmons from Season 4 of The Voice wrapping up the evening
Money raised from the event will support PreSchool Partners, which was founded more than 20 years ago to provide quality preschool education for at-risk children in the Birmingham area. The program serves to support and educate both the students and their parents through its highly structured learning environment.
Students in the program receive more than 800 hours of instruction and enrichment annually, and their parents attend more than 100 hours of classes on topics such as child development, money management and family literacy.
Regions Bank is the title sponsor for Crestline Rocks, which was originally scheduled for Oct. 11 but has been pushed up to Sept. 26.
For more information about sponsorships for the event, contact Allene Neighbors at allene@preschool-partners.org or 951-3398. For more information about PreSchool Partners, visit preschool-partners.org.