Map by Emily Vandermey.
Dexter Vine Stop Sign Changes
This map shows the current and future locations of stop signs at Dexter Avenue and Vine Street.
Stop signs will soon be moved at Vine Street and Dexter Avenue in Crestline Village and added on Belle Meade Way. The council approved ordinances for the changes at its June 8 meeting.
The current two signs on Vine Street at its intersection with Dexter Avenue will be removed, and they will be replaced on adjacent street corners. Skipper Consultants recommended these changes to better allow for increased traffic that will be on the street once the new Piggly Wiggly has opened on Vine Street. The ordinance also provided for punishment for violations of these stop signs.
The city had sent out around 60 letters to area residents about Vine-Dexter change, and City Manager Sam Gaston said he has only received one letter in response.
The council also approved an ordinance authorizing the placement of a stop sign on Belle Meade Way at its intersection with Spring Valley Road. Drivers coming south on Belle Meade will face the stop sign before turning on Spring Valley Road. The ordinance also provided for punishment for violations of this stop sign.
Also at the meeting, the council:
- Approved two additional 15-minute parking spaces in Mountain Brook Village. One will be located on Petticoat Lane in front of Gilchrist and Harrison Limited, and the other will be located on Cahaba Road in front of Vitola Fine Cigars. A larger set of 15-minute parking spots had been approved at the May 11 council meeting.
- Approved annexation for 0.3 acres of residential property at 106 Lockerbie Lane owned by Irving Meisler into the city of Mountain Brook and Lockerbie Association, Inc. 0.01 acres at 3871 Lockerbie Drive. City Manager Sam Gaston reviewed the city’s annexation criteria and said he believes the property meets it.
- Appointed Julia Gardner Gibler to the Tree Commission to serve without compensation through June 8, 2018. Gibler is replacing David Price.
- Approved a professional services agreement with Skipper Consulting, Inc. for traffic signal modifications design work for the intersection of Church Street and Montevallo Road/Montrose Road, and accepting the proposal by Stone and Sons Electrical Contractors for their installation of equipment for the traffic signal modifications design plan for a cost of $22,411.
- Accepted Stone and Sons Electrical Contractors’ proposal for the installation of equipment for traffic signal modifications for Overbrook Road at Mountain Brook Parkway/Pine Ridge Road. Richard Caudle of Skipper Consultants said this project could be completed before school starts in August, but that there would not be time for the Church-Montevallo project to be completed by then.
- Authorized a lease for 28 Dell computers for public use for The Emmet O'Neal Library from Southlake Capital, LLC for 36 months by The Emmet O'Neal Library Board. The cost of these is $1,144.36 each or $36,042.08 total.
- Authorized an acknowledgement of an agreement in favor of Iberia Bank regarding the Lane Parke development. Daniel Corporation wants to assign certain rights to Evson Inc., and Evson plans to collateralize part of it and assign part of its proceeds to the lender, Iberia Bank. The agreement is similar to one Piggly Wiggly has with its lender that the council previously approved.
- Authorized a request for a 5-foot easement from the city for the Piggly Wiggly development to access a sewer line near the former location of the Scout House in Crestline Village, subject to council approval.
- Held a public hearing to consider further modifications/restrictions to the city's noise ordinance in regard to commercial landscape service providers working in residential areas of the city. On May 19 the city sent a letter to area landscaping business owners asking for feedback on the city possibly increasing the restricted the period of operation, limiting the number of simultaneous operators of gasoline-powered equipment and requiring commercial lawn maintenance providers to use newer, quieter model equipment. Bryan Lord, president of Blackjack Horticulture and a Mountain Brook resident, and Paul Lell, manager for Green Landscaping and a Mountain Brook resident, both wrote to the city to express their concerns about the proposed changes and how they might harm their business. The current ordinance restricts commercial mechanically powered lawn equipment from operation between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. on weekdays and 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. on weekends. It was adopted in June 2014. At the end of the hearing, the council determined to not make any changes to the noise ordinance.
The next regular council meeting will be Monday, June 22 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall at 56 Church Street.