Mountain Brook Village Traffic
Traffic builds up at the Montevallo Road-Cahaba Road intersection in Mountain Brook Vlllage.
The city is looking for public input to select intersections for traffic improvements.
On Tuesday, Feb. 10 from 6-8 p.m., a public involvement meeting will be held at the City Council Chambers at 56 Church Street.
During this time, the city is looking for feedback on intersections with regular occurrence of traffic congestion, delays and safety concerns. The input will be used to select approximately eight intersections within the city for a detailed traffic analysis and development of recommendations for improvements.
The format of the meeting will be:
- 6-6:15 p.m.: Introduction of the Project and Staff
- 6:15-7 p.m.: Citizen Input from the Podium
- 7-8 p.m.: One-On-One Conversations with the Project Staff
Residents who will be unable to attend the meeting are invited to share comments with Richard Caudle at richard@skipperinc.com or via mail at via mail to Richard L. Caudle, PE, Project Manager – Mountain Brook Traffic Study, c/o Skipper Consulting, Inc., 3644 Vann Road Suite 100, Birmingham, Alabama 35235. Comments must be received by Feb. 13.
This project is a joint effort between the city and the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham, with a portion of the funding provided by the APPLE (Advanced Planning Programming and Logical Engineering) Program.