Here is the top ten list of most highly read articles that appeared on Village Living's website this year.
10. New trails, sidewalks, roadwork on the schedule for 2024

Photo by Erin Nelson Sweeney.
Renovations to the trail at Jemison Park in Mountain Brook are in the final stages as the city plans to reopen the park in January.
Read the full article here.
9. Altamount student named National Merit Scholarship winner

Courtesy of The Altamont School
Riley Pierce
Read the full story here.
8. Spartans name Carlee Petro new tennis coach

Read the full article here.
7. Former Mountain Brook teacher launches business to help students and adult improve organizational and time-management skills

Photo courtesy of Focus on Fewer
Rachel Langston
Rachel Langston and her husband have lived in Vestavia Hills since 1997, and they have two adult children.
Read the full article here.
6. Mountain Brook Business Happenings- January 2024

Crestline Bagel Company
Read the full article here.
5. Envisioning something beautiful

Photo by Erin Nelson Sweeney.
3 Generations of Artists
From left: Phyllis Lyons, left, Kacy Carroll, Buffy Hargett Miller, Allie Nielsen and Betty Drennen at Miller’s home in Mountain Brook. Lyons and Hargett, Drennen’s daughters, and Carroll and Nielsen, her granddaughters, are all artists in different media.
Read the full article here.
4. Spartans host signing day celebration
Photo courtesy of Mountain Brook Schools.
Mountain Brook recognized 11 student athletes on National Signing Day at Mountain Brook High School on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024. Photo courtesy of Mountain Brook Schools.
Read the full article here.
3. Mountain Brook resident to host annual Cooper Farm Rodeo

Photo courtesy of the Stevens family.
A Friday night at the Cooper Farm Rodeo. From left: Stacy Stevens, Bill Morton and Tom Stevens.
Read the full article here.
2. Mountain Brook seniors presented at Midnight Ball

Photo courtesy of St. Mary’s-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church.
Left to right: Branum Lloyd, Alice Estes, Margaret Pelekis, Tyler Wadlington, Wilkes Nichols, John Killebrew Roberts
Read the full article here.
1. Road to recovery: Lulu Gribbin

Photo courtesy of the Gribbin family.
Lulu Gribbin, her twin sister, Ellie, and Sherlock, a hospital therapy dog.
Read the full story here.