Photo courtesy of Candace Broeker.
Birmingham zoo renovations 2
Renovation rendering for Birmingham Zoo's orientation plaza.
The Birmingham Zoo received $3 million in funding in 2015 from local businesses and foundations toward the Renew the Zoo Campaign, which includes construction of a new front entrance and Asian Passage exhibit.
The following businesses and foundations made leadership gifts in 2015: The Altec/Styslinger Foundation, AutoTec and its Employees, EBSCO Industries and its Employees, the Mike and Gillian Goodrich Charitable Foundation, McKinney Capital, Nall-Whatley Foundation, O’Neal Industries, Thompson Foundation, Vulcan Materials Company and Wells Fargo.
“We are excited about the momentum that the campaign has received from the business community,” said Capital Campaign Chair, F. Dixon Brooke, Jr. in a release. “We have raised $15.3 million of our $18 million stretch goal.”
Preparation for construction started in the last quarter of 2015 with the draining of the two ponds and removal of the former entrance. In addition, B.L. Harbert International was recently selected to be owner’s agent for the new Asian Passage exhibit and front entrance area, which includes a plaza and green space park area.
"On behalf of the Altec/Styslinger Foundation, we are pleased to assist with the ongoing success and outreach of the Birmingham Zoo,” said Lee J. Styslinger III, Chairman & CEO, Altec Inc., according to the release.
For more information about the Birmingham Zoo, visit the Zoo on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, or birminghamzoo.com.
-Submitted by The Birmingham Zoo