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Stop Hunger Now at Canterbury
Canterbury United Methodist Church hosted its annual Stop Hunger Now food packaging event Feb. 8-10. The food is distributed to families facing hunger throughout the world.
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Photo by Madison Miller
Stop Hunger Now
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Photo by Madison Miller
Stop Hunger Now
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Photo by Madison Miller
Stop Hunger Now
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Photo by Madison Miller
Stop Hunger Now
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Photo by Madison Miller
Stop Hunger Now
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Photo by Madison Miller
Stop Hunger Now
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Photo by Madison Miller
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Photo by Madison Miller
Stop Hunger Now
Church members and volunteers at Canterbury United Methodist Church packaged food for Stop Hunger Now Feb. 8-10.
The organization focuses on providing hunger relief to school children in lesser developed countries. Several churches have joined together throughout the year to provide packaged meals for the organization.
The program combines rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix including 21 essential vitamins and minerals into small meal packets. Each meal costs only 25 cents, has a shelf-life of five years and transports quickly.
Visit canterburyumc.org for more information.