Greenery Sale
Red Mountain Garden Club members prepares for this year’s sale. Pictured are Pratt Brown of Pratt Brown Landscapes; Kate Newton of Landscape Services; Kimberly Bean, greenery sale chairman; and Amy Ager, greenery sale co-chairman.
The annual Red Mountain Garden Club holiday greenery sale, typically hosted at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, is moving this year to Rosewood Hall in SoHo Square.
The move is the result of on-going renovations at the Botanical Gardens.
The sale will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 2 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Rosewood Hall is located on the first floor of Homewood City Hall, and drive-up access to the sale will be available.
As in previous years, the sale will benefit the Memorial Garden at the Birmingham Museum of Art and the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.
Pre-orders are available online until Nov. 20, and there will be many options for walk-up shoppers, including wreaths, mailbox decorations, kissing balls and greenery arrangements.
For more information or to pre-order greenery, visit redmountaingardenclub.com, or contact Ginny Hutchinson at 370-4936, or ginny@scribblerpink.com.