CLEAN award
Gordon Black, center, with his new CLEAN award.
At its recent meeting, The Little Garden Club of Birmingham, a member of the Garden Club of America, presented Gordon Black, the Cahaba River Society’s Education Director and CLEAN (Children Linking with the Environment Across the Nation) Program Leader, with the Garden Club of America’s Elizabeth Abernathy Hull Award.
This national award annually recognizes the outstanding achievements of individuals furthering the early environmental education of children. Established in 1992, the Hull Award provides a monetary award to chosen recipients who honor Miss Hull’s common sense approach to environmental awareness by inspiring children under 16 to appreciate the beauty and fragility of our planet.
Since 2007, Black has led the CLEAN program and throughout that period has not only furthered, but in most cases actually introduced, environmental education to over 14,000 Birmingham-area youth. Gordon takes groups of school children to (and into) the Cahaba River and creates for them a lasting awareness of how valuable the river is to them, and how important they are to the river. The children in his charge don’t forget their CLEAN experience.
The Little Garden Club was founded in 1928 and, as a member of the Garden Club of America since 1950, shares with GCA its commitment to restore, improve and protect the quality of the environment through educational programs and action in the fields of conservation and civic improvement.