Big Top
Glenwood Junior Board Executive Committee members Andy Parker, Erin Clark, Vice President Noah Oliphant, President Will Thuston and Glenn Drennen. Not pictured: John Goldasich and Katie Gulas.
Mountain Brook residents on the Junior Board of Glenwood are currently planning the 11th annual A Night Under the Big Top to be held Friday, Feb. 13.
The event will be held at The Club beginning at 8 p.m. and feature live music, food and drinks, casino games, and a silent auction.
All proceeds benefit programs and services for children with autism. Glenwood works in 103 school systems and 58 counties, with more than 8,000 individuals total. One out of every 68 children born today will be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (CDC, 2014).
Last year’s Big Top event raised $215,000 and had more than 700 people in attendance. Tickets cost $60 per person or $110 per pair in advance may be purchased at glenwood.org.