Brookwood Forest Elementary receives a check from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama.
New and exciting things have been happening at Brookwood Forest under the direction of Jay Gilliland, also known as Coach G, and Sally White.
The Brookwood Forest physical education department received a Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthy Schools grant for $6,340. This money is designated for the purchase of health and fitness equipment. BWF received half of the grant this fall and will receive the other half in January. With the fall money, BWF purchased testing equipment to facilitate the state fitness tests, steps, and weights.
A typical week in P.E.: Monday is cardio day. Students perform the equivalent of 1 mile, and parents can use this mile in their child’s tally for the Mercedes Kids Marathon. Tuesday and Wednesday are skills day. Thursday is fitness/station day, and Friday is Fun Friday. This fall, physical education classes welcomed several guests promoting karate, lacrosse, and a Ranger Ready program. BWF physical education classes also use the HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Alabama curriculum.
Students in grades 4-6 can also participate in two types of additional workouts before school. On Monday and Wednesday mornings, students can count steps with pedometers in the Walking Rangers Club. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students participate in the Super Ranger workout, including cardio and weights. After school on Mondays and Wednesdays girls from third, fourth and fifth have the opportunity to participate in the Girls On the Run program. And the BWF Running Club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to train for a 5K.
- Submitted by Kathleen Woodry.