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Photo by Madoline Markham.
Christopher Alexander Clap Out
Cherokee Bend fourth-grades "clap out" classmate Christopher Alexander, who will compete in the state Special Olympics.
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Photo by Madoline Markham.
Christpher Alexander Posters
Christopher Alexander stands with his fourth-grade classmates and the posters they created to cheer him on.
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Photo by Madoline Markham.
Christopher Alexander Family
Christopher Alexander stands with his parents and other family friends before leaving for the state Special Olympics.
Fourth-graders chanted Christopher Alexander’s name Friday afternoon. Wearing his Mountain Brook track uniform, Christopher wrote a big smile as he ran and slapped hands with his classmates who lined the hall.
Christopher, nicknamed “Cap,” competed in the 800-meter race of the Alabama Special Olympics at Troy State University on Saturday.
He qualified for the event at Special Olympics event in the fall. The day before that competition, the entire school “clapped out” a group of Special Olympics athletes, but Christopher was the only one from the school to advance to the state level.
“He represents a lot of people who have overcome challenges, and he represents the support of his peers,” said Christopher’s mom, Lisa Alexander. “There’s a deeper meaning to the whole thing.”
Anyone who knows Christopher will tell you he has a way of winning over hearts.
“His constant happiness is something you can’t mistake,” Jennifer Jones said. “My son and I have always said if you are having a bad day you need to stop by to see Cap and he will always cheer you up. His positive attitude is absolute and longing for adventure with his family is not hard to miss.”
At the age of 7, Christopher became an honorary member of the Mountain Brook High School Marching Band and has never missed a game or an opportunity to march out with the drum line. This year he was chosen as a Junior Animal Control Officer.