CES computer coding
Amy Anderson uses Spheros to teach computer coding to her fourth-grade students at Crestline Elementary School.
Crestline Elementary fourth graders in Amy Anderson’s homeroom are currently learning to write computer code every day for 30 minutes during their Exploration period. Anderson teaches coding using robotic balls called Spheros. The Spheros are controlled via Bluetooth using a computer device such as an iPad. During Exploration, the students use various apps to control the speed, direction and color of the Sphero.
Anderson learned about Spheros and how they can be used educationally at the Alabama Educational Technology Conference in Birmingham last summer. Per her request, the Crestline Cougar PTO bought 10 Spheros for Anderson and the other fourth-grade teachers to use with their students. Other Crestline grade level teachers who are interested in using the Spheros in their classrooms will participate in a professional development group for teachers focusing on Spheros and other coding resources.
Anderson said the students love working with the Spheros and are able to use their own creativity to solve problems.
“The amount of problem solving and teamwork that is involved [when working with Spheros] is incredible,” Anderson said. “It is absolutely amazing to sit back and watch the students be so self-directed with their learning.”
-Submitted by Trish Hand