Laurie King David Faulkner
Alabama Rep. David Faulkner and Laurie King met in Montgomery the day King was selected as Alabama's National Distinguished Principal for 2015.
Crestline Elementary Principal Laurie King was recognized March 12 as the 2015 National Distinguished Principal for the state of Alabama.
This acknowledgment recognizes principals who “set high standards for instruction, student achievement, character and climate for the students, families and staffs in their learning communities.”
After being nominated by her peers, King’s application was selected by the review committee for a site visit. During this time, community members, faculty and staff, students, parents and central office staff participated in interviews with committee members.
Based on this, the committee agreed that King’s leadership best exemplified the traits of a highly effective elementary school principal.
“We can honestly say that we have never worked with anyone who deserves recognition more than Laurie,” Crestline Assistant Principal Josh Watkins said. “Her humility, empathy, wisdom and compassion make her an excellent principal, and an even better mentor.”