Photo courtesy of David Faulkner.
State House
Fourth grade students from Crestline Elementary School visited the State House in Montgomery this October.
Fourth graders from Crestline Elementary School visited the State House in Montgomery on Oct. 15.
The trip is made each year by fourth grade classes. Rep. David Faulkner, who represented District 46, said the students’ visit is one of his favorite things each year.
“This was ultra special for me since I knew and have coached many of these kids,” Faulkner said.
Students were able to be the Alabama House of Representatives and “vote” on legislation to extend summer to six months and go to school for one extra hour each day.
“I can tell you these fourth graders knew their stuff about state government, and they were a much better behaved group than the real House is at times,” Faulkner said.
-Submitted by Rep. David Faulkner