Photo courtesy of Suzan Doidge.
Corley Doidge Faulkner Pages
Beck Corley, Alabama Rep. David Faulkner and Campbell Doidge stand in front of the Alabama State House during Spring Break.
Mountain Brook students Beck Corley and Campbell Doidge spent their Spring Break as pages for Alabama Rep. David Faulkner.
"I was thrilled to have my first pages in the Alabama House," Faulkner said. :I love teaching, coaching and working with kids, so having pages was one of the highlights of this session for me. Campbell, Beck and Kathryn did an outstanding job, and I think they learned a lot about our state government."
The boys, both eighth-graders at Mountain Brook Junior High School, served as a page during the legislative session in Montgomery and were also able to sit in on a committee meeting.
In addition, they attended a luncheon held by Mountain Brook Major Olgilve, a former Alabama football player who now works in the concrete industry. Olgilvie's daughter, Mary Riley, is one of Campbell's teachers at MBJH.