Mountain Brook’s director of student services, Dale Wisely, Ph.D., will host a three-part series on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on Wednesday mornings in February.
The disorder has “always been a somewhat controversial diagnosis,” said Wisely, a child and adolescent clinical psychologist.
Wisely will discuss several aspects of ADHD, beginning with a talk titled “The Disorders,” on Wednesday, Feb. 3. Wisely will then follow up with a discussion on “The Treatments,” on Feb. 10 and “Managing Home & Family” on Feb. 17. All talks will be held from 9-10:30 a.m. at the Mountain Brook Board of Education Building, 32 Vine Street.
“ADHD is a complex problem,” said Wisely, “much more than just a problem with focus and attention, which may or may not be accompanied by hyperactivity.”
An ADHD diagnosis, said Wisely, comes with a host of questions. Among them: “Is it really a disorder or it is just made up by doctors and teachers? Are the medications safe and effective? Is the disorder over-diagnosed? Are the medications over-prescribed?”
For Wisely, education on the disorder is key.
“I have always believed that one of the key components to helping children with the disorder is that the adults in their lives have a solid understanding of the disorder,” he said. “I think very few parents of children diagnosed with ADHD get that kind of education. That’s what we try to do with this series: help parents understand the disorder and dispel some of the myths.”
Although the event is free, those interested in attending are required to register by either calling 877-8349 or emailing