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Mountain Brook Elementary School.
On Friday, Sept. 20, the Mountain Brook Elementary community will gather to celebrate MBE’s 90th birthday. Students and their families, faculty, staff, alumni, community partners and supporters are all invited to the event, which will be held on the front lawn of the school beginning at 2 p.m., weather pending.
In case of inclement weather, the celebration will be moved under the school’s porte-cochere.
MBE PTO President Mary Virginia Mandell said, “This is such an exciting time for students at MBE to get a glimpse of their wonderful school’s past and realize that they will forever be a part of its history. Of course, the best news is that MBE is 90 years strong and its future is promising for generations to come.”
Recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School, a Common Sense Media School, a Lighthouse School through Leader in Me and an Alabama School of Character, MBE is consistently ranked as one of the top elementary schools in the state and beyond.
Principal Ashley McCombs shared, “While transformations of the physical plant and curriculums may have changed over the last 90 years, what remains the same is the strong sense of community whose collective efforts have continued to result in a school of excellence. The most valuable investment has come from the hearts and minds that have come together in authentic relationship so that each and every student can discover and develop his/her unique purpose in life.”
The MBE community looks forward to celebrating 90 years of fulfilling MBE’s vision to be a community of learners committed to individualized growth and ownership of learning that result in high levels of academic achievement for every student.
For more information about MBE, please visit: https://www.mtnbrook.k12.al.us/mbe.
Submitted by Kitty Brown.