A game changer in pregnancy care


Photo by Erin Nelson.

Dr. Andrew Housholder, an emergency physician from Mountain Brook, is changing the face of pregnancy in Birmingham with the opening of his new practice, The Morning Sickness Clinic.

With a team of registered nurses, Housholder treats patients for morning sickness and other pregnancy-related issues, including nausea, vomiting, dehydration, vitamin replacement, electrolyte replacement and nutritional status. The clinic only takes care of the patients’ nausea and vomiting, while their obstetrician or midwife continues to handle the pregnancy.

While morning sickness is common in pregnancies across the U.S., pregnant women can experience moments that are uncomfortable and traumatizing. Householder explained, “80% of pregnant patients experience nausea, 50% experience vomiting and 20% have to be put on medications for hyperemesis gravidarum (HG).”

According to the Hyperemesis Education and Research Foundation, “HG is defined as a potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease that may cause weight loss, malnutrition, dehydration and debility due to severe nausea and/or vomiting, and may cause long-term health issues for mother and baby(ies).”

Housholder added that many pregnant patients are not fully aware if they are experiencing severe morning sickness or HG.  However, his clinic can provide a HELP (HyperEmesis Level Prediction) Score to determine a patient’s symptom severity.

“As an ER physician, I see some of the most difficult hyperemesis cases,” he said. “They get so bad off and wait until it worsens and come to the emergency room. I did this to fill in the gap so pregnant patients don’t have to suffer at home any longer.”

The Morning Sickness Clinic provides IV fluid infusions and medications that pregnant patients cannot receive from an Ob-gyn clinic or midwife. Patients should expect to stay for two hours for a full treatment plan. With a spa-like atmosphere, comfortable chairs, a relaxing vibe and Wi-Fi, patients can feel at ease.

“Some pregnant patients need the services until they deliver the baby — 18-20 weeks is common — but some may need it throughout the entire pregnancy,” Housholder said.

Housholder said the benefits of this clinic are long overdue. The narrative in society is that morning sickness is something that naturally occurs during pregnancy and that “you should just deal with it.” However, the problems that arise include pregnant patients who vomit 15 to 30 times a day and cannot get out of bed, go to work or cope with life.

“We can get them on a regularly scheduled nausea medicine, to a place where they can cope,  and get them back to work.  It’s very life-changing,” Housholder said.

Currently, The Morning Sickness Clinic has 12 patients. They seek treatment once to twice a week. Housholder is here to let pregnant patients know that they can call the clinic and see a physician “to feel better and feel functional.”

Housholder said that pregnancy patients shouldn’t be suffering.

“This isn’t normal — we should treat morning sickness and HG aggressively,” he said. “These patients need our attention.”

The Morning Sickness Clinic is the only clinic in the nation that offers these services. For more information visit morningsicknessclinic.com.

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