
When you advertise in Village Living, you reach Mountain Brook, Alabama in a way that can be found nowhere else.

This award-winning publication is delivered monthly via direct mail to residents and businesses in Mountain Brook zip codes 35213, 35223 and 35243.

In addition to our monthly print issue, we have opportunities to advertise on this website and in our daily email newsletters

These newsletters reach the inbox of thousands of readers every weekday morning.

Advertising with Village Living is the best way to reach Mountain Brook, Alabama.

As part of a comprehensive marketing plan, this publication allows you to effectively reach your ideal prospects residing in Mountain Brook.

To learn more about this or other marketing opportunities with our company please complete the form below.

Or contact:

Dan Starnes


"The response we have received from our ad has been outstanding. There is no question that new opportunities and relationships have opened up because of our advertising with Village Living." Greg Powell, CIMA, President/CEO, Wealth Consultant, fi-Plan Partners

"I like to be loyal to my customers, and since most of my customers live in Mountain Brook, I can reach them at once through Village Living. In our experience, it's been the only publication where people call or walk in asking to see what we featured in the advertisement." Roy Morton, owner of Architectural Heritage

"Children's of Alabama is pleased to partner with Village Living to bring messages of health and safety to the families who work, live and play in Mountain Brook's communities." Garland Stansell, Chief Communications Officer of Children's of Alabama.

"A big shout-out to Starnes Publishing for partnering with Weigh to Wellness in our efforts to have a fantastic grand opening! The first four days of business after the papers arrived in homes, we had 24 new patients start their journey with one of our weight loss programs due to the advertisement placed in the community papers. Wow! We look forward to guiding them along the path of weight management. Thank you Starnes Publishing!" Leslie Ellison, Weigh to Wellness

"It is important for me to keep up with community events and activities. I always read Village Living to know where to be and when to be there. It's a great resource for the citizens of Mountain Brook." Representative Paul DeMarco, 46th District (Jefferson County)

"At RealtySouth, we have received nothing but praise from the public for our presence and messaging in Village Living. We've tracked an increase in web traffic, customer satisfaction and a growing interest in our business. It is more than simple advertising for us. It is the opportunity to partner with the community that has trusted RealtySouth for more than 55 years. With Village Living, the opportunity to encourage a customer-for-life relationship is extended exponentially." Dawn Reeves, vice president of Marketing and Advertising for RealtySouth

"I always get excited when my Village Living arrives. I start by flipping through it slowly...just to see what all lies inside, and then when I have a free moment to myself, I read it from cover to cover enjoying each section. Thank you, Village Living for entertaining us and keeping us informed!" Shelley Hunt

"I love Village Living. It's how we keep up with what's going on. I advertise heavily in it because our restaurant is about our community, and a constant presence in Village Living keeps us on people's minds. When we first opened, we advertised in many publications, but now we target our dollars toward Mountain Brook because that's who Dyron's is. It's a local place where everyone knows each other and gets up to shake hands. We also like that our advertising money goes back to help support and edify the community." Dyron Powell, owner of Dyron's Lowcountry