City declares Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Day


Photo by Jessa Pease.

The City of Mountain Brook is turning teal after Mayor Lawrence T. Oden named Sept. 2 Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Day at the city council meeting.

This proclamation was made possible by “A State of Teal” awareness campaign for gynecologic cancers launched in collaboration by CanSurvive GYN Cancer Support Group, the Laura Crandall Brown Ovarian Cancer Foundation and the Noma Livingston Ovarian Cancer Foundation. In the many colored cancer ribbons worn by supporters, teal represents gynecologic cancer.

The proclamation encouraged all residents to reflect on the memory of those lost to gynecologic cancer, the bravery of those currently battling, and the need for increased awareness, screening and research so that all women might be spared from this diagnosis.

Gynecologic cancer is the fourth largest cancer killer of women in the United States, and about 80,000 women will be diagnosed this year. The State of Alabama is also one of two states with the highest rates of death from ovarian and cervical cancer.

For this reason, both Mayor Oden and Alabama Governor Robert Bentley said “It is fitting to recognize the worthy goals of this observance and to promote efforts to reduce the incidence of gynecologic cancer among our loved ones, and it is also crucial that all women in the State of Alabama take an active role in learning the symptoms and risk factors associated with all forms of cancer…”

They also stressed the importance of the residents of Mountain Brook to work together to increase research in understanding the causes, finding effective screening and prevention and developing improved therapies these cancers.

The council also:

The next meeting will be Sept. 8 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.

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