Junior High students raise money to "kick" multiple sclerosis


Photo courtesy of Jan Bell.

Last summer, 98 eighth graders from Mountain Brook Junior High on 12 co-ed teams raised more than $11,000 for people living with multiple sclerosis (MS), an unpredictable disease of the central nervous system that disrupts information flow to and from the brain. 

This year, both eighth and ninth grade students are invited to participate in the student-run tournament that will take place on Aug. 10 at MBHS. Students in eighth grade may register with Paul Tyson, and ninth grade students may register with Hamp Sisson by June 15. 

The kickball teams will be raising money around Mountain Brook in the weeks leading up to the tournament through individual fundraising efforts such as car washes and doughnut sales. 

Money raised through fundraisers and the tournament itself will support the MS Society’s goals of research, advocacy and service.

Community members are invited to attend the tournament on Aug. 10. Games start at 1 p.m., and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Alabama-Mississippi chapter will provide cookies, lemonade and barbecue.

To learn more about multiple sclerosis and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, visit nationalmssociety.org or contact the local chapter of the Society at 879-8881.

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