MBJH to host TEDx events

TEDx is coming to Mountain Brook.

Mountain Brook Junior High School will host a live stream of the Tedx Birmingham conference open to the public on Saturday, Feb. 28. Tickets for the main event at UAB’s Alys Stephens center have already been closed, but the event at the school will allow for another group to witness it and build community with other attendees as well.

TEDx hosts a combination of live presenters and TED Talks videos to sparks deep conversation and connections at the local level. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics.

The Ted-Ed club at MBJH is planning the live stream event as a fundraiser for its own TED event later this year. The group meets regularly to study TED Talks and learn how to be a great speaker, said MBJH technology coordinator Suzan Brandt.

During the lunch break on Feb. 28, the students are planning a special TEDx VIP lunch event. The $50 lunch ticket price will include the meal, a T-shirt and additional presentations by former Ted speakers. Those who attend the luncheon will also be the first given the opportunity for the live stream tickets. Students who are a part of TEDx Youth at Cherokee Bend Elementary will be a part of a meet and greet at the lunch as well.

Tickets are limited for both the live stream and the lunch. There is no cost for the live stream event.

For MBJH event tickets, visit mtnbrook.k12.al.us/mbjh. For more TEDx information, visit tedxbirmingham.org.

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