Friends of EOL book sale set for Feb. 22-24


Photo by Lexi Coon.

The Emmet O’Neal Library is a treasure trove for books, movies and anything else you may want, and from Feb. 22-24, book lovers are able to go home with special finds. 

But these books don’t have to be returned — they’re for keeps.

The annual Friends of Emmet O’Neal Library book sale, which volunteer Barbara Blair said has been held for more than 50 years, features biographies, science fiction books, romantic novels, young adult books, kids books, audiobooks, historic maps, cookbooks, CDs and puzzles.

In previous years, the Friends have sold more than 10,000 books during the sale, and all funds go to EOL’s teen and adult programs, Blair said.

The event technically starts Feb. 22, but those who want to purchase their goods first can pay a $25 donation fee to the Friends and be admitted to the preview on Feb. 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. 

The regular hours for the event will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 22-23, and 1 to 4 p.m Feb. 24

The majority of the books, including children’s books, will be for sale in the basement of the library, while books in better, newer condition will be for sale in the auditorium near the entrance. Books in the basement will be $10 per bag on the final day of the sale, whereas those in the auditorium will be half price.

Community members can also donate books to the Friends year-round and get a tax receipt by bagging or boxing materials and taking them to the library. For more information, visit

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