Hobbs achieves Eagle

David Whitehead “Whit” Hobbs Jr. earned the rank of Eagle Scout in March. He is a member of Boy Scout Troop 63 at Canterbury United Methodist Church, under the leadership of Harold Wells Jr.

For his Eagle project, Whit built a hands-on mission workroom for the Outreach Program at Canterbury United Methodist Church. The room included nine shelving units accompanied with six stainless steel tables. The new workroom provides storage and work space for the outreach ministry.

Whit has held the positions of patrol leader, historian and dugler. He was elected to the Order Arrow Brotherhood, earned 32 merit badges, attended a high adventure trip to Sea Base in the Florida Keys, and earned the Polar Bear Award.

He is a senior at Woodberry Forest School in Woodberry Forest, Va., and is a tri-varsity athlete for football, squash and lacrosse. He was elected to the Prefect (Honor) Board and Leadership Committee for Woodberry’s 115th varsity football team. Whit is also a staff writer for The Oracle, the Woodberry Forest newspaper; co-head ropes course instructor; and co-head tour guide. He has been involved in the Woodberry Forest Mentor Program, Woodberry Christian Fellowship and Woodberry Forest Pipes Program.

Whit is the son of Meme and David Hobbs. He is the grandson of Mary Gene and Thomas Boulware of Mountain Brook, and the grandson of Elizabeth and Worth Hobbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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