MBHS Relay for Life


Mountain Brook High School (MBHS) will be the site of the Relay for Life of Mountain Brook, an annual fundraiser for the American Cancer Society (ACS), on Fri., April 8, beginning at 4 p.m.

At ACS Relays, the members of teams take turns running or walking laps to raise money for cancer research and support programs. There are also other activities, including a free dinner for survivors, the Survivors’ Lap and the Luminaria Ceremony, in which candles are lit to remember past cancer patients and support current patients

The school’s students have set a fundraising goal this year of $200,000, according to MBHS senior Carlton Cooper, the director of the Relay for Life. The event is ranked as the No.1 youth event per capita in the nation, Cooper says.

The survivor dinner will take place at 4 p.m. in the school cafeteria, and the survivors will kick off the opening ceremony at 6 p.m. with the Survivors’ Lap, according to Cooper.

The Relay will feature a special balloon release, along with a board of names to honor those who have battled cancer, according to Cooper, who said this will take place around the time of the Luminaria Ceremony, which will be held at 9 p.m. The balloons will take the place of the sky lanterns used in previous events. 

The balloons cost $50. To purchase one, contact Cooper at 2016crc1@student.mtnbrook.k12.al.us.

Mountain Brook High School is located at 3650 Bethune Drive. To sign up for the Relay, go to relayforlife.com/mountainbrookal

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