Parker Hartline earns Eagle rank

Parker A. Hartline, a member of Boy Scout Troop 28 under the leadership of Allen Sydnor, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He was recognized at the troop’s Scout Sunday Court of Honor ceremony at Independent Presbyterian Church (IPC) in February.

For his Eagle service project, Parker built and installed a picnic area for the Dale Head Playground at the Children’s Fresh Air Farm (CFAF) in Bluff Park. He and members of the troop completed the project in time to be used by IPC for the SAIL Summer Learning Program and other summer activities hosted by CFAF. In addition to raising funds for his project, he contributed $750 toward the playground fund.

Hartline earned 26 merit badges on his path to Eagle and was awarded the Order of the Arrow and God and Country designations. He attended scouting camps in Alabama, Georgia and Seattle. Parker completed two high adventure trips, the Philmont Trek at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, N.M., and Sea Base Adventure Crew in Abacos, Bahamas.

Parker served in several leadership roles during his six years as an active member of Troop 28. He logged over 305 hiking miles, 68 nights of camping and more than 200 service hours.

Parker Hartline is a junior at Mountain Brook High School, where he is on the soccer team. He is an active member of Independent Presbyterian Church. He is the son of Penney and Roger Hartline, sister of Merrill Grace, and the grandson of Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hartline.

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