Saving Super Mom: Mountain Brook mom writes book, launches ministry


Photo courtesy of Kristi Walters.

Kristi Walters was shocked when her husband discovered her book for sale online in December 2011 – before her final approval to the publisher. As it turned out, the publisher had sold the book to an online distributor who listed it. Kristi credits the early release to the perfect and often surprising timing of a sovereign God who walked her step-by-step through the writing of her book, Saving Super Mom.

 “This book is a message that God wanted out there first; it’s not my great novel that I have been working on,” she said.

Inspired by a time-management course, Walters set out to deepen the curriculum by tailoring it specifically to mothers. With a background in copywriting and event planning, she suddenly saw how well prepared she was for this new endeavor. The book grew from a course in time management and organization to a devotional for moms.

The Saving Super Mom Toolkit, an organizational binder available for purchase with the book, makes application of the practices in the book simple. Walters’ message to mothers is to put God first in your plans and let him “save the day.” At its core Saving Super Mom actually encourages mothers to stop focusing on being “Super Mom,” stop competing and comparing with other mothers, and start being who God created them to be.

A testimonial devotion book written for individual or group study, Saving Super Mom developed into a community study this spring. By posting a notice at her church and a friend’s email message, Walters hoped to have 20 women express interest in the study. More than 100 moms responded to the message. Delighted by the initial enthusiasm, Walters formed the first four Saving Super Mom study groups in several Mountain Brook neighborhoods. Since then Walters said, “Super Mom has taken on a life of its own.”

Although Saving Super Mom focuses on time management and mothering, the Biblical component of the study is the unexpected aspect. Walters loves meeting women who come to the study for organizational tips and leave with so much more. The ministry that started with Saving Super Mom has developed into p31 Life Ministries, named after the description of the woman of noble character found in Proverbs 31.

Walters recalls trying to compare herself to the woman depicted throughout that particular passage and realizing she could not compete with her. One day she realized that a “Proverbs 31 Woman” does not necessarily look like this woman. Although women have varied gifts and talents, today’s Proverbs 31 woman shares the same heart. According to Walters, her daily activities may look much different than the biblical depiction, but by embracing the commonalities women please God just as the Proverbs 31 woman does.

p31 Life Ministries wants to serve the community, women and girls in three facets. p31 women supports mothers;  p31 teen has future plans to focus on training young women; and p31 philanthropies is a resource for p31 Life Ministries as well as other community groups for women and children.

Published by Westbow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson Publishing Inc., Saving Super Mom by Kristi Walters can be purchased at Smith’s Variety, The Lily Pad or any online retailer in print or ebook. More information can be found online at

Saving Super Mom Groups

How to get involved

New Saving Super Mom groups will start again after the New Year. There will be several opportunities to participate. To locate a group, email or visit

Saving Super Mom 2, monthly coffee group for those who have already completed the study, launched in the fall. This group meets to fellowship and for accountability and idea sharing based on lessons from Saving Super Mom.

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