Videographer goes behind the camera for ‘New Year, New You’ campaign


Photos by Sarah Finnegan.

Photo by Sarah Finnegan

As a videographer, Chandler Wallace is used to being behind the camera. As the face of the fifth “New Year, New You” campaign, presented by Meta Fitness on Overton Road, the lens will be focused on him. 

The event was started in 2012 by Meta Fitness owner and trainer Matt Crane. After choosing a nominee and training them for seven months, Crane hosts a reveal party to raise money and awareness for the Children’s Center for Weight Management at Children’s of Alabama.

“We wanted to give back and help someone who truly deserved, needed and wanted to make a change,” Crane said. “We wanted to inspire a community and empower people to make a difference in those around them.” 

When Wallace was hired as the videographer for Crane’s other business, Steak & Eggs Media, one of his first assignments was editing the first “New Year, New You” reveal film.

“I was putting together video and telling the story of a person who had weight issues,” Wallace said. “I started thinking about how I had a more significant struggle with that than them, and that was a hang-up for me.”

Wallace said since he was responsible for shooting the videos, he felt like it wasn’t appropriate for him to be considered as a nominee. The 42-year-old Chelsea resident says he has struggled with his weight most of his adult life. He has worked in video production for almost 20 years and spent the last 12 years serving as media director for two churches.

“I totally have empathy for anyone who has had weight struggles,” he said. “I’ve always been super self-conscious about being a big guy. It’s time for me to make a significant change that’s permanent.”

“Last year, Matt said if I ever wanted to do this to let him know,” Wallace said. “I thought about it a lot, and felt like it was time. I called Matt in October and told him if he was serious, I want to take him up on that.” 

Crane said he’d been waiting for Wallace to say those words, but knew he had to be ready first. 

Wallace’s transformation will be filmed by the third member of the Steak & Eggs Media team, Ryan Hoffman. He also plans to make a video diary and pull security camera footage from the gym as well. He would like to turn his journey into a documentary to help others. He says his goal isn’t just a number on the scale, but to have a healthier lifestyle. 

“I’ve seen what Matt can do with other people, and the results he’s gotten. I’ve always been in awe of what he has been able to accomplish with folks,” Wallace said. 

Crane began training Wallace in December. Their routine will consist of 45-minute circuit style resistance training sessions three times per week. His goal is for Wallace to experience a better quality of life for him and his family.

“This is not ‘The Biggest Loser,’” Crane said. “This is real people, real lives, real problems, dealing with things that everyone can relate to.”

Wallace, who has recently started wearing a Fitbit to keep up with his steps and heart rate, says he does have knee and ankle pain from the extra weight. He hopes as he loses weight, it becomes less significant. He believes doing this publicly may put a little extra pressure on him by having accountability from friends and family.

“Weight loss is the hardest thing in the world to do,” he said. “It’s a cycle of the more you gain, the worse things get. It’s harder to backtrack. I’m not one go give advice on this yet, but hopefully will be in the future. One day, if what I do could help someone else, that would be incredible.”

Wallace’s transformation will be revealed at the 2017 “New Year, New You” event at Iron City at the end of July. 

Crane describes Wallace like a brother, and said this year’s event will have a special meaning to him. 

“I can’t think of another way to make it more personal than Chandler,” he said. “He’s seen it all and knows the ins and outs of the process. This one will have a different meaning to me.”

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