BWF celebrates Veterans Day


Photo courtesy of Kathleen Woodry.

Brookwood Forest Elementary held its annual Veterans Day performance on Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017. Students in fourth, fifth and sixth grade showed their appreciation of all veterans during the performance.

The morning started with a reception in the lunchroom that included veterans, students, and parents. Immediately following the reception, veterans walked through the Hallway of Veterans to reserved seating in the auditorium. The hallway was adorned with patriotic artwork, thank you notes and pictures of veterans related to various students and staff members.

Students sang a medley of songs and service hymns under the direction of Debbie Rakes, the BWF music teacher. Veterans were honored in a special ceremony as Assistant Principal Christy Christian recognized those veterans who could not attend the program and those who were deceased; veterans in the audience were pinned by their student or faculty host as Miss Christian recognized each individually.

The performance closed with the singing of “God Bless America,” during which the audience was invited to join in.

The Veterans Day activities were chaired by Jana Rome and her committee.

-Submitted by Kathleen Woodry

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