CBE to open 2 new learning spaces in the fall


Submitted by Liz Estess

We are happy to announce some exciting new changes coming to Cherokee Bend in fall of 2019. The CBES Special Education Team was awarded a grant for $11,000 from the Institute for Innovation to fund the “Whole Brain Experience: A Multi-Sensory Approach to Learning and Behavior.” With this grant, two brand new learning spaces will be created for all of our Cherokee Bend Chiefs to experience.

These two spaces will be a place where diverse learning strategies can be celebrated and students can feel empowered to voice their individual learning needs.

The Heightened Sensory Room will be a place of colorful stimulation, where the senses are heightened and children are given the opportunity to physically move and interact with multi-sensory mediums.

The Snoezelen-style room will serve as a calming environment where students can settle their minds and decrease anxiety. Students could opt to read or possibly work on narrative writing in this soothing environment.

The SPED team hopes to address the four district-wide goals by implementing interactive learning environments: enhance student voice, create a sense of community, improve communication and support and honor diversity in the classroom.

The hope is the academic, behavioral and mental well-being of all our Chiefs will be positively impacted through the use of these new classrooms. We look forward to these learning experiences and want to thank the Cherokee Bend Special Education Team: Lizzie Vansant, Kelsey Church, Sarah Jackson, Sara Katherine Janecky and Hannah Kennedy for their hard work in securing this grant for our school.

Submitted by Liz Estess

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