Cherokee Bend students represent Uganda at JUNA

Photo courtesy of Catherine Gasque.

Cherokee Bend students participated in the Junior United Nations Assembly (JUNA) of Alabama, a student-run model United Nations Assembly for Alabama students in grades six through eight. 

The CBS JUNA Team participated in a two-day event at Birmingham-Southern which included a parade of nations, an opening assembly, committee meetings, and General Assembly meetings in which resolutions were presented, discussed and voted upon.

The CBS delegation represented Uganda. Team members included Ellen Anderson, Wilder Hines, Claire Lauterbach, Kate Lauterbach, Evan Shiflet, Amelia Tynes and Matthew Zitella. 

Students researched their nation during their school club time with sponsor Kim Hutchens, identified a problem, and wrote a resolution that proposed a solution to the issue. The team presented first in committee where the resolution passed and then in General Assembly, where it passed a final time. 

The CBS JUNA team was recognized as one of the top four teams out of 48 delegations for their display board (honorable mention) and for Best Country (honorable mention).  

Students also won a top honor of Best Resolution.  

‒ Submitted by Catherine Gasque.

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