CES students experience real-world application of perimeter and area


Submitted by Alison Nesmith

The third-grade students at Crestline Elementary have been working on area and perimeter. Three of our third-grade teachers, Kelsey Long, Laura Rives and Kelly Mitchell, thought it would be fun to let the students see how area/perimeter are used in the real world so students could make that connection.

They let them wear construction hats, and Home Depot in Irondale donated the aprons, and they had name tags. Dressing up made it much for fun and kept the students engaged! The first day they worked on solving perimeter problems around the room using skills they learned. Next they will work on area problems, and the final day they will begin using area/perimeter to design a floorplan for a house. It's been so much fun to see how they have gotten into the problems more with a decorated classroom and dressing up.

Submitted by Alison Nesmith

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