MBE PTO welcomes new officers


Submitted by Kitty Rogers Brown

Mountain Brook Elementary PTO recently installed its officers for the 2018-19 school year.

Led by president Suzanne Perkins, this year’s officers include: Mary Virginia Mandell (president-lect), Ashley Blomeyer (vice president of volunteers), Stephanie Brown (vice president of technology), Liz Holley (vice president of fundraising), Amy Moore (vice president of communications), Ashley Seligson (vice president of events), Ashley Inscoe (treasurer), Kate Mather (treasurer-elect), Emily O’Dell (secretary) and Bragan Petrey (parliamentarian).

Once again this year, the MBE PTO will work with all MBE parents to raise funds for school improvements, teacher stipends, technology and other projects throughout the school, as well as host events and programming for the MBE community.

“With the start of a new school year comes lots of new opportunities,” said Perkins. “Thanks to our generous Lancer Sponsors, we are looking forward to assisting MBE faculty and staff with their ‘wish list,’ including innovative technology equipment and classroom improvements. Once again, the Boo Bash and Lancers on the Lawn events will be free of charge to our students! Our PTO is also excited about moving our Boosterthon fundraiser to February this year. We are looking forward to another successful year for the MBE Lancers!”

MBE parents interested in learning more about how to get involved with the MBE PTO can visit mountainbrookelementaryptoal.ptoffice.com/

Submitted by Kitty Rogers Brown

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