MBE holds annual end-of-year Field Day


Photo courtesy of Carla Ward.

On a hot and sunny day in May, Mountain Brook Elementary held Field Day, an annual competition to celebrate the end of school.  

The competition was organized and led by PTO Field Day Co-Chairs Bethy Allen and Mandi Cooper and MBE’s physical education coaches, Matt Cain and Karly Bergeron. A large team of parent volunteers assisted in running the activities. A DJ kept the crowd excited by playing fun, motivational music.

Classes within each grade competed against each other for their grade’s Field Day Championship. The classes earned points by competing in various events like water catapult, throwing contests, giant volleyball and the penultimate event, four-way tug-of-war.

Each class chose a color to represent their team and dressed in coordinating outfits. The class showing the most “flair” earned the coveted Spirit Award.  Students exhibited their team spirit by dressing in costumes, painting their faces, wearing wigs and hats and creating banners. Of particular note was Mitchell Nelson’s class, which won the kindergarten Spirit Award. Nelson’s students dressed in matching black-and-gold outfits with large gold champion wrestling belts and Nelson completed his look with a full-length black cape and Egyptian Pharaoh headdress.

Once the activities concluded and the awards for each grade were announced, classes enjoyed a cold drink and popsicles provided by parents.  

Submitted by Carla Ward.

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