MBE project offers gratitude for police, fire departments


Photo courtesy of Paige Slaughter.

Mountain Brook Elementary first-graders organized a service project to show appreciation for the Mountain Brook police and fire departments. 

Students collected items for care packages and assembled the goody bags. Mountain Brook policemen and firemen visited MBE to collect the goody bags. 

“First grade at MBE was so proud to do something special for the people who protect and serve our community on a daily basis,” said first-grade teacher Paige Slaughter. “MBE collected hundreds of items such as granola bars, travel-sized hand sanitizer, chewing gum, hard candy, instant coffee packets, tissues, crackers and nuts. We wrote cards and attached encouraging words on badges to make sure they knew how much we love and appreciate these selfless officers. It was an honor to give back to these community heroes.”  

– Submitted by Shaun Flynn.

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