New students welcomed to MBE


Twenty-five new students will be calling Mountain Brook Elementary their educational home this year, and their welcome to the MBE community began at a Newcomers Party at the school on Monday, Aug. 7.

Organized by MBE parent Kate Brinkley and hosted by the MBE PTO, the Newcomers Party welcomed all new MBE students in first through sixth grades. The new families arrived at MBE to a coffee and muffin reception in the auditorium. The students went on a school scavenger hunt with mentors paired from the student body, discovering where the office, lunchroom, health room and all specials classes are located. Newcomer parents also were able to have a Q and A session with the school administration and MBE PTO members.

Once the school year began, MBE’s school counselor, Anna Carlisle, set grade-level luncheons for newcomers and MBE administrators. Newcomers attend these luncheons at least twice a month for the first nine weeks of school. The luncheons are a time for MBE newcomers to get to know each other and reflect on how well they are adjusting to their new school. Ms. Carlisle provided an open forum for dialogue around social and academic questions to gauge newcomers’ social connections (“Who do you enjoy spending time with at recess or sit by at lunch?”), advocacy (“Which teacher would you go to if you needed help?”), current performance (“What class feels most challenging?”) and psychological safety (“What do you like the most about your new school?”).This year, Mrs. Carlisle and MBE administrators provided a similar experience for MBE’s new teachers, creating an intentional time to share their celebrations and struggles. Carrying on a tradition started by MBE’s late art teacher, Kendra Haddock, the school’s new teachers made self-portraits to hang outside of their doors to represent who they are as a part of the MBE community.

Submitted by Kate Brinkley and Kitty Rogers Brown

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